ProtectServe news: User-Managed Access group
After a few weeks’ worth of charter wrangling, I’m delighted to announce the launch of a...
Two OpenSSO summer blockbusters
A few days ago I suggested taking in a summer movie. If you’re a fan of...
Consumerizing IT at Catalyst
The Burton Catalyst conference being held in San Diego in a couple of weeks is one...
Beach reading on identity
So, what did you read on your summer vacation? If you’re still planning for yours, submitted...
Like sands through the hourglass
…so are the Carbs of Our Lives. (No? How about As the Pancreas Turns? Maybe not.)...
Protocol peep show
While lots of other people are having their fun at JavaOne, I have to content myself...
What’s it say?? I can’t read!!
Bacon is all the rage these days. It’s almost…overexposed. Luckily there are still ways to have...
Holy moly, it’s a ProtectServe video library
Last week at IIW8 I convened a ProtectServe session by request, roping in my esteemed colleague...
Concordian (noun): Busy bee
Okay, so there’s no English word “Concordic”, but that’s the adjective often used to describe the...